June 2, 2021 Author: admin

The Best Ways To Decorate Your Exteriors With Marble

Did you know that you could decorate not just your interiors but also your exteriors with Marble?

You already know how beautiful and eye-catching Marble is within, but taking it outside is just another opportunity to enrich the look of your house. Marble gives a vibrant look, and it simply glows up the place.

It comes in a wide range of colours, patterns, and textures, allowing you to customise your outdoor look fully.

Marble complements outdoors way too well. So stop thinking and start decorating your outdoors.

Let’s discuss the numerous possibilities of using Marble outdoors.


Selecting the correct tiles


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It all starts with choosing the right type of marble for your outdoors. It plays a vital role as some Marble are delicate and prone to damage easily. To avoid that, you should choose the right one.

Polished Marble tiles are not ideal for exterior use since the elements readily wear away the polish. Furthermore, stones with this surface become highly slippery when wet, posing a threat, particularly to young children and the elderly.


Marble Flooring


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Yes, you can decorate your outdoor flooring with marbles. You can choose pavers or tiles, which can be used as flooring for driveways etc. 

Marble pavers are weatherproof and will not be affected by frequent weather conditions such as dampness, cold, heat, or erosion. 

Marble absorbs extremely little heat and remains cold to the touch even on the hottest days due to its high resistivity.


Marble Sculptures


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If you want to make your exterior look aesthetic, this is an excellent option for you.

Whether big or small, marble statues/idols are perfect for outdoors. If you have a large garden or an extended driveway, or an open-air space, this helps. 

It covers up those extra spaces and makes your garden not seem empty. 


Marble Furniture


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Marble furniture seems exciting, don’t you think? 

One technique to use marble outdoors is to create custom fixed furniture and fittings. If you’re not prepared to commit to permanent furniture, you can use tables, seats, and bar items with marble accents. It will complement your outdoor setting.

Connecting Marble furniture to other exterior marble features creates a sense of cohesion and grandeur, resulting in a royal atmosphere. You can also have marble benches in the garden to relax, meditate etc.


Outdoor Marble Kitchen


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Indoor kitchens are great for the winter. But, in spring, summer, and fall, an outdoor marble kitchen is a must!

They’re the most worthy option to make the most of your exterior space at all times. 

Outdoor kitchens can have Marble worktops, backsplashes, and even exterior marble walls, depending on where the Marble is used. 


Marble Fountain


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Have you ever looked at a marble fountain and thought, ‘I wish I had one of these’.

You have, right? 

Marble fountains, no matter where they are erected, are elegant and exquisite. Most are extravagant and lively, while others are sleek with flowing lines. 

In any case, fountains add a new dimension to the landscape that nothing else can.


Add Marble to Courtyard


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If you’d like to remodel your front yard or rear patio fully, then you should consider using marble or natural stone. It is one of the best options.

Planters, elevated platforms, walks, decks and low walls are all options for incorporating marble into a courtyard.


 Pool House with Outdoor Marble


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That’s right! If you’re lucky enough to have space for a pool and a room for a pool house, using marble as one of the significant materials will create an extraordinary impression. 

Try using marble slabs, pavers and tiles or keeping them colour coded as it will make the place look rich and uniform. 

Pro Tip: You might be worried about the maintenance and cleanliness of the marble. We’ve got a few tips for you, and you can use them if need be.

We’re aware that the outdoor marble can wear out the rich look that marble has and might make it look dull. 

For minor stains: Add a little bit of baking soda with a small amount of water and paste. Gently scrub the spots with the paste until the stains are gone.

For dirt and smudge: Make sure to use a natural cleanser as these have the correct consistency to clean marble and prevent them from damage.

We hope this was useful.

And hey, if you wish to decorate your house with Marble and give it that fantastic look, then visit Marblising.com to check out our extensive list of Marble pieces that you can customise. 

What are you waiting for? Hurry!!

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